Evidence Mounts on Value of Sabbaticals
As 2-1-1 San Diego and John Ohanian begin their Clare Rose Sabbatical experience this week, evidence is mounting on how sabbaticals positively impact the leader, the organization and the community it serves. According to an article in the New York Times, “One recent study found that 34 percent of the executive directors and half of the development directors at nonprofits questioned anticipated leaving their current jobs in two years or less. Worse, the 2017 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey, published last month by GuideStar and Nonprofit HR, found that 81 percent of nonprofits have no retention strategy whatsoever, though such strategies are common at corporations.” Sabbaticals have been shown to re-energize leaders leading them to change their minds about needing to leave their organizations for their own well-being. This stability has a direct impact on the rest of the organization and the clients it serves.
The Clare Rose Sabbatical, offered by the Fieldstone Leadership Network, is currently accepting applications for the 2018 sabbatical cohort. Four sabbaticals are available this year to nonprofit leaders in San Diego and Orange Counties. To date, 15 sabbaticals have been awarded by Fieldstone in the past four years. Applications are due January 31st, 2018 and can be found on our website under the program tab.