The vast and varied demands of a nonprofit leader’s job often prevent them from taking the time off that is necessary to re-charge and refresh. Coupled with financial pressures, fundraising responsibilities, and a constant need to nurture organizational relationships and develop staff, these conditions can lead to burn out and a reduction in the long-term service of the most experienced and dedicated leaders in our sector.
We understand that effective institutions are driven by energetic, imaginative, and inspired people. The Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego and the Clare Rose Foundation recognize that these leaders need time to think, create and reflect if they are to keep their organizations operating and serving at the highest level. We also understand that successful organizations must continually invest in building the capacity of its people to remain innovative and to sustain its effectiveness in meeting its mission
To address both of these goals, The Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego and the Clare Rose Foundation have joined forces to offer the Clare Rose Sabbatical Program as part of the Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego. This program offers up to two nonprofits annually with the following:
- Individual stipends and expenses of up to $40,000 to cover salary, benefits, and travel to reflect or otherwise renew themselves in whatever manner they propose.
- Additional support of up to $3,500 is made available to successful candidates’ employing organizations that are willing to establish a permanent, revolving fund for professional staff development. The purpose of the fund is to make it possible for other staff to have access to training programs or short-term leaves that might enhance their professional capacities. In recognition of the Clare Rose Foundation and The Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego’s commitment to the professional development of all nonprofit staff, the contribution starts up the fund. As cash is drawn down, it is expected that the recipient organization will replenish the fund on an annual basis, and maintain it as a permanent line item in its budget.
- A fund of $4,000 to appropriately compensate or reward the leader or team that filled the role of the Executive Director during the Sabbatical.
- Up to 12 consulting hours to aid in the preparation for, to be on-call during, and assist in the re-entry from the Sabbatical.
Program Goals
- To recognize and reward accomplished nonprofit leaders by providing them with an extended break from their work for professional and personal rejuvenation.
- To stabilize Sabbatical organizations by encouraging shared leadership.
- To advance the skills and capacity of upper-level staff at Sabbatical nonprofits so that they can assume increased leadership.
- To advocate for the efficacy of professional development support programs at nonprofit organizations, thereby generating field-wide appreciation of the critical value of human resources to the sector.
- To foster cross-sector dialogue among nonprofit leaders in San Diego County.
Making the Case
- Sabbaticals for BIPOC Leaders: Capacity Building, Healing, Renewal by the BIPOC ED Coalition of Washington State (2022)
- Future Philanthropy: The Tech Trends & Talent Defining New Civic Leadership by Ryan Girard (2021)
- Building Smart Nonprofits: A Roadmap for Mission Success by David J. O’Brien and Matthew D. Craig (2020)
Individual candidates for this program should:
- Be an executive director of a nonprofit organization in San Diego County.
- Be an outstanding Leader who has a demonstrated track record of contribution to the community.
- Work for a nonprofit organization (employees of educational institutions and government agencies, as well as consultants, are not eligible for this program).
- Hold primary or significant responsibility for management of the organization’s funds.
- Have worked a minimum of ten consecutive years in the nonprofit sector (though not necessarily for one organization) without significant leave.
- Be willing to participate in the various programs of the Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego and the peer network of sabbatical program alumni.
- Be employed full-time at the applicant organization.
- Live full-time in San Diego County.
- Require outside assistance to be able to cover a three-month leave.
- Be committed to staying in a current executive leadership position with the same or another nonprofit organization in San Diego County for at least 5 years (not planning to retire within the next 5 years).
The candidate’s employing organization should:
- Be located in San Diego County.
- Be recognized by the community for its programs.
- Have at least five full-time paid staff including at least one staff-member
ready to act as interim leader (board members are not eligible to lead in this
role). - Look to the applicant’s sabbatical as an opportunity to develop the next level of leadership within the organization.
- Offer its endorsement of the request for leave, and submit a work plan for organizational management during the candidate’s absence, and upon candidate’s return.
- Need financial assistance to underwrite the candidate’s leave.
- Be able to sustain regular operations during the candidate’s absence.
- Time away from work: This may take the form of pleasure travel, pursuit of avocational interest, time spent at home or with one’s family. The leave can combine more than one element or location, but candidates should take care not to overschedule their sabbatical time.
- Minimum of three consecutive months: The three consecutive months must begin within one year of the award notification date. Additional time off is at the discretion of the organization.
- No contact with organization staff, donors or board members: Applicant and others in the organization must agree to honor this fundamental premise of the program.
- Submit all program reports by deadlines: There are a few reports that are required in preparation for the sabbatical and after the sabbatical. It is expected that each report is completed by the deadline. Delays in reporting can result in a loss of funds and termination of the program.
- Work with the Program Consultant and Meet with FLNSD Staff: As part of the preparation, a minimum number of meetings are required for the ED to meet with the program consultant and FLNSD director. These meetings may include the “interim leader” and/or board members and will be scheduled at mutually convenient times for all parties.
- Continue to participate and support the Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego: Sabbatical award recipients are expected to take part in a peer network with other alumni and to be active participants in Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego programs especially the Clare Rose Sabbatical community.
The Clare Rose Sabbatical Program is offered on an annual cycle:
- Applications submitted by 11:59pm PST: January 31, 2025
- Applicants notified of application receipt by February 7, 2025
- Semi-finalist organization site visits: March 11, 2024 and March 18, 2025
- Finalist individual CEO/ED in-person interviews: April 1, 2025 or April 8, 2025
- Notification of awards by May 31, 2025
- Mandatory orientation for recipients: June 11, 2025
- Sabbatical start date: any time after October 31, 2025 and before June 30, 2026