Four Learning Groups Start in January
Joining a Network of over 2,000 nonprofit professionals, the 45 new members of in our 2018 Learning Groups represent agencies focused on youth, environment, health, faith, arts and culture, literacy, homelessness and housing, drug prevention and treatment, community development, peace building, education, and military veterans. Their reach is wide and deep, and it is almost impossible to find an area of the nonprofit sector they do not impact. We are hopeful about the trusted relationships that will be developed and the natural collaborations that will occur as a result.
Learning Groups, which start each January, are designed as a six-month peer learning experience. Each group of between 10 and 12 leaders participate in a curriculum developed to support dynamic and candid exchange and provide access to cutting edge tools for nonprofit management and leadership. The program also includes the study of real life case studies guided by a problem solving methodology that empowers participants to envision feasible solutions and craft action plans while providing an intimate and confidential environment to learn and developed trust relationships with other leaders. The program starts with an energetic experiential learning component which gets the group out of the conference room, jumpstarts the team building process and enlightens the participants on their own leadership styles.
In 2017, the University of San Diego concluded a five-year study of the Fieldstone Learning Group program and found that the program is providing critical leadership development for both executive and senior nonprofit leaders. Five years of data show consistent positive impacts in 1) strengthening leaders, 2) building organizational capacity and 3) sustaining a vibrant nonprofit sector. In addition, the study found that 98% of participants would recommend the Learning Group to their peers, which may account for the program operating each year with full cohorts and a waiting list. To see the full report please visit the IMPACT tab on the website.
Welcome to our 2018 Learning Groups:
Orange County Executive Group:
Dawn Price, Friendship Shelter; Natalie Julien, Thomas House Family Shelter; Amy Lakin, Casa Youth Shelter; Lina Lumme, The Youth Center; Heather Miner, North Long Beach Christian Church; Tim Rogers, Boys Hope Girls Hope; Sheila Romanski, Crystal Roses, Inc.; Cathy Seelig, Friendly Center, Inc.; Andrew Simone, Providence Speech and Hearing Center; Clyde Taber, Visual Story Network; and Lisa Wood, Casa Teresa.
Orange County Nonprofit Leaders Group:
Jessika Ahlberg, My Safe Harbor; Alex Del Castillo, Families Forward; Erika Enz, Scholars’ Hope Foundation; Sarahi Franco, CIELO; Christina Garcia, Casa Youth Shelter; Gladys Hernandez, Habitat for Humanity Orange County; Sally Lawrence, CFRE, Orange County Council, Boy Scouts of America; Kathleen Mellon, Jewish Federation & Family Services; Jazmin Monterrosa, Laura’s House; Angie Rodriguez, Taller San Jose Hope Builders; and Katie Russell, Ronald McDonald House-Orange County.
San Diego Executive Group:
Patty Cowan, Coronado Schools Foundation; Laura Ann Fernea, City Heights Community Development Corporation; David Gereghty, Recreational Music Center; Shaina Gross, Susan G Komen San Diego; Margarita Holguin, Chula Vista Community Collaborative; Kristianne Kurner, New Village Arts, Inc.; Keturah Lane, Emmaus Today, Inc.; Claire O’Leary, STAR/PAL; Molly Puryear, Malashock Dance; Brian Richter, Special Olympics Southern California-San Diego; and Katie Sawyer, San Diego Women’s Foundation.
San Diego Nonprofit Leaders Group:
Vanessa Davis, Just In Time for Foster Youth; Jeremy Haman, BAME Community Development Corporation; Javier Islas, Accion San Diego; Kristine Jansen, Mama’s Kitchen; Alexander Kim, KPBS; Kirsten Kinney, Kids for Peace; Tomoko Kuta, The New Children’s Museum; Joe McLeod, Outdoor Outreach; Christina Meeker, Words Alive; Danielle Prince, Access Youth Academy; Susan Quinn, Alzheimer’s San Diego; and Marisa Varond, McAlister Institute for Treatment & Education, Inc.