Project Stone Catcher
Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego is pleased to announce Project Stone Catcher, a new area of leadership development focused on providing opportunities for nonprofit leaders to develop the skills and understanding necessary to lead nonprofit organizations in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion and to advance social justice issues for the broader community. In alignment with our mission, Project Stone Catcher will build a community of stone catchers who trust each other, offer support to one another and provide safe space for exploration and discussion of issues that have historically been difficult to discuss.
The name of this effort is inspired by Bryan Stevenson, author of Just Mercy and founder of the Equal Justice Initiative. Stevenson calls upon those with power and privilege to catch stones – to stand between those who “cast stones” and those who are daily injured by a politics of hate and violence. Thus, to be anti-racist, to be an accomplice in advancing social justice, requires one to be a stone catcher.
This new thread of learning opportunities will be woven into our existing programming, including Crossroads and Turning Points, Leadership Reading Groups, Fieldstone @ 4 and our leadership retreat.
Programming for 2020-21 includes:
JUST MERCY – Online Leadership Discussion with Executive Producer Scott Butnick
June 4, 2020 4 pm
At home movie viewing/Online discussion
Sponsored by Alliant Education Foundation
Race: Are We So Different? – Exhibition and Discussion
Museum of Man
The Race Card Project
Date: TBD
Searching for the Heart of Social Justice in Hallowed and Historic Places: A Leadership Pilgrimage
September 19-22, 2021
Montgomery, Alabama
More information on each of these programs can be found under the program tab on our website. All programs are open to nonprofit leaders in San Diego County.