Clare Rose Sabbatical Returns in 2023!
After a one-year hiatus due to the impacts of COVID-19, the CRS is back and accepting applications through January 31, 2023
In an effort to replenish the stores of energy and inspiration for our community’s most gifted leaders and provide opportunities to lead for senior staff, FLNSD offers the Clare Rose Sabbatical Program. This grant program offers two nonprofits in San Diego County with an opportunity to increase capacity by providing time off for the CEO for rest and reflection while providing leadership opportunities to senior staff that are only available with the absence of the top executive. Each grant is worth $50,000.
The goals of a Clare Rose Sabbatical are:
- To recognize and reward accomplished nonprofit leaders by providing them with an extended break from their work for professional and personal rejuvenation.
- To stabilize Sabbatical organizations by encouraging shared leadership.
- To advance the skills and capacity of upper-level staff at Sabbatical nonprofits so that they can assume increased leadership.
- To advocate for the efficacy of professional development support programs at nonprofit organizations, thereby generating field-wide appreciation of the critical value of human resources to the sector.
- To foster cross-sector dialogue among nonprofit leaders in San Diego County.
The program has returned after a short hiatus to help the program catch up due to multiple recipients delaying their experiences due to the challenges of a global pandemic. Applications are available on our website and will be accepted through January 31, 2023. In 2022, four organizations completed a Clare Rose Sabbatical capacity building experience:
- Access Youth Academy,
- Case de Amistad,
- Kids Included Together, and
- Promises2Kids
License to Freedom will embarked on its three month sabbatical in March of 2023.
To participate, an organization should:
- Be located in San Diego County.
- Be recognized by the community for its programs.
- Have at least three full-time paid staff.
- Look to the applicant’s sabbatical as an opportunity to develop the next level of leadership within the organization.
- Offer its endorsement of the request for leave, and submit a work plan for organizational management during the candidate’s absence, and upon candidate’s return.
- Need financial assistance to underwrite the candidate’s leave.
- Be able to sustain regular operations during the candidate’s absence.
To date, Fieldstone has awarded 27 Clare Rose Sabbaticals, for a total investment of $1.350 million.