Authors Insights – A New Edition to our Leadership Reading Group
We are pleased to announce that we have incorporated lunch with an author as a formal part of our Leadership Reading Group. The seeds for this program were planted by our first reading group with an invitation to local author, Brandon Black. Black’s visit to the group was so powerful, the group invited another local author, Scott A. Huesing, to join them the following year. This year, two authors will join members of three reading groups to discuss their work.
Author’s Insights is an opportunity for members of our Reading Group Program to delve more deeply into leadership concepts with an author whose book was read in the program. Following the tradition set by American Booksellers Association in 1938 to provide a forum for authors to speak about their work, Author’s Insights is uniquely focused at furthering our understanding of leadership by furnishing members with a unique and intimate environment to explore the leadership concepts featured by the author in his or her book. Members are invited to examine the leadership theories posited by the author in a trade book or probe the leadership which was or was not exercised by an author’s characters in a work of fiction or non-fiction.
After enjoying lunch and vibrant conversation together, authors are available to sign and personalize their books for each member.
Author’s Insights has featured:
Brandon Black, Ego Free Leadership – September 2017
Scott A. Huesing, Echo in Ramadi: The Firsthand Story of U.S Marines In Iraq’s Deadliest City – September 2018
2019 Author’s Insights will feature:
Jocelyn Davis, The Quiet Art of Influence – September 9, 2019
Elizabeth Cobbs, The Tubman Command – December 11, 2019
Leadership Reading Groups start each fall. The 10 – month program reads a rotation of trade books, fiction and non-fiction books through a leadership lens, includes the opportunity to learn from a professional facilitator and to personally facilitate a session with a fellow Group member. The program helps to develop disciplined readers and facilitation skills so members are able to use literature as a training tool with their organization or team. To apply, or for more information, please visit our Leadership Reading Group under the program tab.