Focus on Fieldstone’s Future
Throughout our history, Fieldstone has always included the insight and wisdom of its nonprofit partners to help it craft its strategic direction. We believe the inclusion of the leaders we serve has played a key role in our ability to design and offer the services needed by the sector. Last week, this tradition continued as ten nonprofit leaders from Orange and San Diego Counties joined Fieldstone Leadership Network staff for a two-day strategic focusing workshop.
Using the Network’s framework of “Build, Deepen and Sustain”, the workshop was facilitated by Tom Hall of AlbertHall Associates. The group used its time together to explore our current leadership offerings and examine how our work remains relevant in addressing the needs of nonprofit leaders and their organizations, what offerings need to be created and which ones, if any, should be eliminated or modified. The group also worked to further develop our newly launched Creative Encounters by Fieldstone program and to kick start our new fundraising and development efforts.
Each of our thought partners is an active member of our Network and each of our eight leadership development programs was represented by someone in the cohort. Our thanks to the following leaders for sharing their wisdom and time with us:
- Vince Beresford; In-N-Out, Slave 2 Nothing Foundation
- Joe Buehrle; SAY San Diego
- Shana Buxser; CHOC
- Matt D’Arrigo, Clare Rose Foundation
- Vanessa Davis, Just in Time for Foster Youth
- Torrie Dunlap; Kids Included Together
- Don Han; Orange County Human Relations
- Gladys Hernandez, Habitat for Humanity, OC
- Kathie Lembo; South Bay Community Services
- Katie Sawyer; San Diego Women’s Foundation
Despite our hard work and higher than expected temperatures, fun was had by all. As one of the participants shared, “it was everything I love about Fieldstone – deep and meaningful conversation with passionate colleagues, nurturing old connections and forming new ones, wonderful hospitality and a sense of being truly cared for, and the possibility of greater impact on the world as a result!”
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Welcoming our 2018 Clare Rose Sabbatical Cohort
Last month, we made four exciting visits to local nonprofit organizations to let them know they had been selected to receive a Clare Rose Sabbatical and Capacity Building grant from the Fieldstone Leadership Network. Home Aid Orange County, Mercy House, TrancenDANCE and New Village Arts make up the 2018 cohort.
This month, we gathered the executive directors who will go on sabbatical within the next year and those in the organization who will lead the organization in their absence for a program orientation.
After reviewing the components of the program, as well as the questions and processes every organization will need to consider in preparation for this opportunity, the leaders met Michael Carr, the organizational consultant available for their use. The cohort then enjoyed lunch with many of the former Clare Rose Sabbatical-takers. This was a time for the former recipients to share wisdom and for the current cohort members to ask questions from those who have gone before them. This year, we were also joined by a former interim direction, who shared her experience on being the “one left to lead”.
The reciprocity of having past sabbatical takers and interim leaders give back to the program makes a huge difference in the quality of the selection process and the on-boarding required to undertake this type of capacity building. It is a hallmark of how the Fieldstone Leadership Network does its work and we are extremely grateful to all of the leaders who continually return to give back to the program. It is a testament to the impact the program has had on each leader, both personally and professionally, that they routinely contribute in support of the program.
A Clare Rose Sabbatical and Capacity Building grant is valued at $50,000 and includes time away for the executive director, training for those staying to lead during the ED’s absence, an organization consultant to be used at the direction of the agency, and staff stipends. To date, the program has awarded 19 grants to organizations and leaders in San Diego and Orange Counties during the past five years.
Applications for the next cycle are due January 30, 2019. More information can be found on our website, including video testimony from past recipients.

Past and Present Recipients of a Clare Rose Sabbatical and Capacity Building Grant through the Fieldstone Leadership Network
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2018 Clare Rose Sabbatical Recipients Announced!
Congratulations to the four recipients of the 2018 Clare Rose Sabbatical Award:
- Larry Haynes, Executive Director, Mercy House (OC)
- Scott Larson, Executive Director, HomeAid Orange County
- Cat Corral, Executive Artistic Director, transcenDANCE Youth Arts Project (SD) and
- Kristianne Kurner, Co-Founder and Executive Artistic Director, New Village Arts (SD)
With the aim of increasing the capacity of nonprofit organizations by offering time for the leader to replenish his or her energy while providing opportunities for others in the organization to take the helm in leading, the Clare Rose Sabbatical program is in its fifth year. The grant is valued at $50,000 and covers the salary and benefits for the leader to take time away to reflect and renew, an organizational consultant to assist in the planning, implementation period and the return of the leader, a fund for staff development and stipends for those leading during the three-month sabbatical. While the program is in its fifth year, this is the first time nonprofit leaders who have not previously participated in the Fieldstone Leadership Network were eligible to apply. One of the four sabbaticals was awarded to a new member of our leadership community!
The four newest members of the Clare Rose Sabbatical Community join 15 other organizations in receiving a sabbatical grant, including Mama’s Kitchen, Pacific Arts Movement, American Diabetes Foundation OC, Grandma’s House of Hope, Families Forward, OneOC, Ivey Ranch Park, Malashock Dance, I Love A Clean San Diego, Susan G. Komen Orange County, Mainly Mozart, Make A Wish San Diego, North County Lifeline, 211 San Diego and The Ecology Center.
As in past years, former recipients participated in the selection process of this cohort. Our thanks to Margie Wakeham of Families Forward and Tanya Danielly of Ivey Ranch sharing their time and wisdom with us.
The Fieldstone Leadership Network is the only local foundation in the Orange and San Diego Counties to offer sabbaticals to nonprofit leaders and their organizations. The next application deadline is January 30, 2019. If you would like to participate in the next program or have any questions, please contact Robin Stropko at [email protected] to request additional information. Applications can be found on the website under the Clare Rose Sabbatical tab.
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First Giving Tuesday A Success
For the first time, Fieldstone Leadership Network participated in a national day of generosity, #GivingTuesday. Thanks to members and friends of the Network, over $7800 was raised in this premier effort! These gifts come at a critical time in our organizational transition to an operating foundation and will help us continue to support the leaders of over 650 organizations in Orange and San Diego Counties!
The Fieldstone Leadership Network offers a continuum of programs to build and deepen personal and professional relationships among nonprofit leaders through leadership training and learning opportunities, so they are better able to collaborate, problem solve, and support each other. Your generosity allows this important work to continue, strengthening our nonprofit community and all of the individual organizations we love and support. Thank you!
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