A Message from Janine
Inspiration can appear in the strangest places.
I was flipping the pages of decorating magazine recently, when I came across a quote by Suzanne Tucker that really struck a chord with me:
“As we evolve, our homes should too.” — Suzanne Tucker
I couldn’t help but connect the dots in my mind: to our historical ties to The Fieldstone Group of Companies (a collection of land development, home building, and real estate businesses, who established the Fieldstone Foundation in 1983); the creation of the Fieldstone Leadership Network, as a home for nonprofit leadership development; and the evolution of our own “home”, in terms of our independent organizational structure and programing focus, over the years.
As you now know, from our recent announcement, our home is evolving once again.
After a series of strategic planning conversations, we were presented with the opportunity to build a more sustainable home for our SD network; and to create an organizational structure specifically designed to better serve our leadership community.
I couldn’t be more excited about our strategic partnership with the Clare Rose Foundation.
FLN and CRF have worked together over the past six years to present the Clare Rose Sabbatical Program — the only local foundations to make this type of capacity building experience available to nonprofits in San Diego. The success of the Sabbatical Program gives us confidence that our expanded partnership will be equally effective. This is a good fit.
The organizational structure of our new alliance will allow us to return to our roots, be more responsive to the needs of our local nonprofit leaders, and more creative in helping nonprofit executives develop the skills and relationships they need to become exceptional leaders.
We have added ‘San Diego’ to our Fieldstone Leadership Network name and have a new website (fieldstoneleadershipSD.org) to reflect this change. Our website introduces new organizational values, showcases a new sabbatical video, announces a new component to our Leadership Reading Group (called Author’s Insights), and outlines a new retreat offering for 2020 that will focus on social justice. These are only a few of the positive changes made possible by our new home.
Registration for our upcoming learning groups and coaching program is now open. Applications are available on our website here and programs are scheduled to begin, as usual, in January 2020. A few spaces remain for our 2019-2020 Leadership Reading Group, which begins in September and includes participation in our new author’s events.
As I reflect back on the past 31 years, I feel grateful for what has been and excited for what awaits. I am so appreciative of Peter Ochs and Keith Johnson giving me a home to do the work I know I was called to do. I am grateful to my teammates past and present who have joined me on this journey over the years. I have the utmost confidence that FLN OC will flourish under Robin and Peter’s leadership and I am thrilled the legacy of our work will continue in the county in which I grew up. And, I am elated when I think about working with a local team of philanthropic leaders to continue the work of FLNSD and to build on what has been.
That’s what it’s all about, after all: leadership. Whether we’re navigating an organizational transformation — as we are at FLN — or making the day-to-day decisions that leaders must make — it’s never easy.
That’s why we’re here: to support each other, and to be supported. A community of leaders united in the spirit of reciprocity.
As we continue to evolve and settle into our new home with the Clare Rose Foundation, I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this thriving community that we’ve built, together.
As I shared on the occasion of our 25th anniversary, “A Home is Where Your Story Begins”. We have a new home and I know an important story is beginning for all of us.
While my physical address will stay the same, please make sure to update my email address in your contacts, visit our new website and follow our new social accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.
With Gratitude and Anticipation,

Important news from the Fieldstone Leadership Network: A new home. A new chapter.
The Fieldstone Leadership Network is thrilled to announce that, effective today, our San Diego and Orange County offices will begin operating as independent organizations. This organizational transformation will help to ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of both operations, while further enhancing our ability to develop relationships and programming at a local level.
We have a dynamic, and familiar, duo to lead our new organizations:
FLN San Diego will continue under the long-term leadership of Network architect and Executive Director, Janine Mason, and in strategic partnership with the Clare Rose Foundation.
(View a message from Janine)
FLN Orange County will be led by newly appointed Executive Director, Robin Sinclair.
(View Robin’s bio and our OC media announcement)
We’re confident that the “new homes” we’ve built for our SD and OC networks will be better suited to meet the present and future needs of those respective communities.
From the standpoint of your “member experience”, we expect the effects to be fairly minimal. In all likelihood, with the exception of some updated contact information, social media handles, and web addresses, you won’t notice a change at all.
Each organization has launched a new website to reflect its work and program offerings. You can find Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego at FieldstoneLeadershipSD.org (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn); while Fieldstone Leadership Network, Orange County can be found at FieldstoneLeadershipOC.org (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
Since 1994, the Fieldstone Leadership Network has empowered organizations throughout Orange and San Diego Counties by providing comprehensive leadership development and learning opportunities to nonprofit leaders.
We’re proud of our legacy and of the thriving, supportive community we’ve helped to cultivate here in southern California.
To date, more than 1,200 individuals from 690 organizations have participated in Fieldstone programs; and our belief in the transformational power of leadership — for individuals, organizations, and communities — is as strong as ever.
Today begins a new chapter in our story; one that continues to carry forth our vision of a well-developed, highly effective, and deeply connected nonprofit sector.
It goes without saying, but our work wouldn’t be possible without you: the current and future nonprofit leaders of San Diego and Orange counties; and the funders and strategic partners that have supported our work through the years. Your contributions have made the FLN what it is today.
Thank you for being part of our leadership community. We look forward to writing the next chapter, together.
Keith Johnson
Chair, Board of Directors

First Giving Tuesday A Success
For the first time, Fieldstone Leadership Network participated in a national day of generosity, #GivingTuesday. Thanks to members and friends of the Network, over $7800 was raised in this premier effort! These gifts come at a critical time in our organizational transition to an operating foundation and will help us continue to support the leaders of over 650 organizations in Orange and San Diego Counties!
The Fieldstone Leadership Network offers a continuum of programs to build and deepen personal and professional relationships among nonprofit leaders through leadership training and learning opportunities, so they are better able to collaborate, problem solve, and support each other. Your generosity allows this important work to continue, strengthening our nonprofit community and all of the individual organizations we love and support. Thank you!
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Giving Tuesday – Why Members Give
During the past 35 years, we have built a continuum of programs and networking opportunities that enrich the skills and relationships of leaders in the nonprofit communities we serve. We have seen how strategically investing in leaders transforms the person, the organization and ultimately, the community served. We believe our new name, the Fieldstone Leadership Network , reflects the work that is being done to help our network members collaborate and problem solve.
As part of our transition to an operating foundation, we are excited to launch our very first Giving Tuesday campaign – we are grateful for the many members who have shared the significant ways the Network has helped them, both personally and professionally over the years and honored us by making a gift to the Network to kick off our first Giving Tuesday campaign. All gifts go directly back into Network programming so nonprofit leaders can continue to flourish, grow and support eachother.
The Fieldstone Leadership Network is a community of individual leaders who recognize the serious work of the nonprofit sector and who commit to learn and lead together in service of the community because we understand that we are better together. Your financial support is helping us continue to create something of great strength, integrity and durability. We are humbled to partner with you and grateful for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!
Thank you!
Click here to watch a video of one of our donor-members, who shares firsthand what the Network has done for her and why she is supporting FLN!
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New Cohort of Coaches Complete Training
Last week, 14 leaders from the Fieldstone Leadership Network met in San Clemente to complete a two-day training on peer mentoring. Selected for their experience and natural disposition to a coaching leadership style, these leaders will complete their preparation in time to be active coaches in our Network for the 2018 program cycle.
Hosted at Casa Romantica, leaders had the opportunity to explore what “leadership coaching is”, how to coach tactical issues using the lens of leadership and how to hold space that is hospitable and confidential all while building relationships with each other. Time was designed for each of the coaches to cycle through the practice sessions with each other so they could practice working with different styles and challenges and get to know each other.
Becky Ahlberg– My Safe Harbor
Valin Brown – Alliant Educational Foundation
Shana Buxser– CHOC
Jose Cruz – Barrio Logan College Institute
Torrie Dunlap – KIT
Lauren Gavshon Brand – Jewish Federation and Family Services
Shannon Jacquard, Ballast Health
Renato Paiva – Access Youth Academy
Carol Schultz, former ED Uptown Partnership
Donald Stump – North County Lifeline
Karen Terra – Emilio Nares Foundation
Don Wells – Just in Time for Foster Youth
Judi Westberg– Mercy Ships
Janie Wolicki Best– Women Helping Women
This year marks the 21st year of Fieldstone’s Coaching Program. Today, over 250 nonprofit leaders have been coached through the Network. Applications are currently being accepted for the 2018 cycle. If you are interested in working with a coach to accomplish specific goals or advance the mission of our organization, please complete the application under the coaching tab of our website.
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Leading Creative Encounters In Our Communities
During the past two weeks, we have taken Creative Encounters on the road as we have been privileged to facilitate the team building and leadership development experience for both the Identity Theft Resource Center and Leadership Tomorrow.
Working in the beautiful setting of Mission Trails Park in San Diego, we facilitated an experience for the national board of directors for Identity Theft Resource Center on September 14th. While the Center is physically located in San Diego, it serves the entire country. Thus, its nonprofit board is made up of leaders from across the nation. Designed specifically for ITRC, the Creative Encounters by Fieldstone experience allowed the board to explore how to lead together when they are geographically separated. It also provided them with a unique opportunity to deepen their relationships together while they were here in San Diego. As one board member reported, “this was awesome!”
Switching from natural habitat to a more manicured park, we facilitated an afternoon session for Leadership Tomorrow at the Newport Beach Community Center and Park on September 21st. Leadership Tomorrow’s mission is to cultivate, inspire, connect and empower an effective community of leaders. Its work serves the communities of Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach and Tustin. With a team of four facilitators, Vince Beresford, Matt D’Arrigo, Janine Mason, and Robin Sinclair, the 25 members of the 2017-18 cohort of civic leaders worked to accomplish goals, set strategy and learn more about themselves and each other. The Creative Encounters by Fieldstone experience was a key part of the program’s first day as half of the day was spent participating in this experiential learning activity outside in the park. As one participant said, “this experience provided me with an important realization as it relates to how I manage my team. I see some significant changes in the future about how I communicate my vision to the team and why this is important. Thank you.”
Creative Encounters by Fieldstone is available to groups and teams of leaders. If you are interested in having a session developed for your group, please contact us. To learn more, please watch this short video:
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Reading Through The Lens of Leadership
Reading, as a way to develop a deeper understanding of leadership, has proven to be a popular and successful strategy for members of the Fieldstone Leadership Network to continue their own personal leadership development. This month the Network, hosted three separate book clubs which gather together monthly to study leadership using literature.
The Network’s first Book Club, which started in San Diego last year, decided to continue meeting even after the formal program ended last June. This month, the SD-1 Club hosted author Brandon Black to discuss his new book, EGO FREE LEADERSHIP. The interactive discussion included additional insight into Brandon’s personal experience leading Encore Capital from a company struggling to navigate during a difficult business environment and national economy to a vibrant company with increasing stock prices, recognized as one of the “best companies to work for”. It was an insightful two-way conversation and Brandon was very gracious and vulnerable in answering everyone’s questions. An added bonus was his willingness to sign everyone’s book!
San Diego Book Club 2 (SD-2) met for its first meeting on September 12th and Orange County hosted its first Book Club on September 19th. Twelve new members from a variety of nonprofit subsectors make up each of these two new Leadership Book Clubs. Stefanie Schiff will facilitate the SD 2 Club, while Barbara Demarco-Barrett will facilitate the OC 1 Club. Both facilitators will guide members into meaningful conversations about leadership, leaders and leading while working with the members to develop their own facilitation skills so they are able to use books and literature as a tool within their agencies. The program continues until June 2018…”officially”.
Learn more about this experience and hear directly from Club members in this short video:
Read MoreCoaching Program Accepting Applications for 2018
Using an executive coach to help focus and improve a leader’s capacity to move people and themselves toward the accomplishment of a goal or organizational mission has long been recognized as a powerful tool. For 21 years, Fieldstone has offered coaching to nonprofit executives eager to have an experienced leader on his or her agenda, to provide new perspective, to bounce ideas off and to work toward a desired outcome.
The Fieldstone Coaching Program is a year-long experience that pairs nonprofit executives, one of whom has been trained as a consultative peer coach, in a confidential relationship. In a series of monthly meetings and conversations, coaches help to empower coachees to accomplish professional leadership goals and resolve organizational issues. A 360 Degree Review from the Center for Creative Leadership is included in the program, as is time with a certified feedback consultant so the Coachee can properly interpret the tool’s results.
Coaching begins each January and concludes in December. Applications are now being accepted for consideration for the 2018 program. Once the application is received, a formal interview will be conducted on the phone, to gain more insights into the coachees goals and desires for the coaching relationship. This is an important step in making the “right” coaching match. Matches are announced in December each year. The cost of the program is $350 and applications can be found on our website. As this is a very popular and cost effective program, those interested are encouraged to apply early to ensure space is available.
Read MoreLearning Group Applications Now Being Accepted for 2018
The cornerstone of the Fieldstone Leadership Network, Learning Groups are a facilitated six-month program to learn nonprofit management models while working through specific leadership challenges of each member. Learning groups provide a unique and confidential environment which allows leaders to explore their personal leadership style and develop trusted relationships with fellow nonprofit leaders from a variety of cross sector of the nonprofit community. A professional facilitator with deep experience in the nonprofit sector, guides the group using a carefully crafted curriculum to address the most relevant and pressing needs of social sector leaders today. Our 2017 survey results indicate that, after participating in the Learning Group, 95% rate themselves with strong or very strong professional leadership skills, 98% believe they have increased the capacity of their organization and 91% feel strongly that they now have a trusted network of colleagues.
Groups are offered for CEOs and Executive Directors (reporting to a board of directors) and for senior leadership team members (reporting to the CEO/ED of the organization). Groups meet once a month in the local Fieldstone office from 9 am to 4 pm January through June each year.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2018 programs. Two groups, one Executive and one Nonprofit Leaders, will be hosted in each office, for a total of 4 groups. Survey information indicates that 93% of past participants said they would recommend the group experience to their peers. This has proven to be true as Learning Groups fill quickly each year. Anyone interested in joining us for this leadership learning opportunity is encouraged to apply as soon as possible. To date, over 1,100 nonprofit leaders have participated in a Fieldstone Learning Group.
To learn more or complete and application, check out our website and/or watch this short video to hear from past participants.
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All Leaders are Readers
This month, The Network will kick off two new Leadership Book Clubs. Each of the new groups is filled to capacity with nonprofit leaders working in Orange and San Diego Counties. Each group will be lead by a professional book facilitator as part of an effort to train participants in the art of using books and reading as a leadership tool for their own constituents. The San Diego Club will begin on September 12th and the Orange County Club will begin September 19th.
Research has shown that reading has always been an essential component of leadership development (HBR, Feb. 2016). However, even with the best of intentions, it is often difficult to get to or finish all of the books competing for our attention. With a goal of creating well-read nonprofit leaders while imparting facilitation skills and building trusted relationships among nonprofit leaders, the Leadership Book Club offers a unique opportunity to study and develop leadership in a communal setting.
After completing the originally scheduled 10 month program last June, the Network’s first Club decided to continue meeting together. They are gathering on September 19th in San Diego with author Brandon Black to discuss his new book EGO FREE LEADERSHIP.
Our vision for this program is to seed the nonprofit sector with multiple book groups using literature to study leadership, to build trusted relationships and to develop personal facilitation skills. Much like our Learning Groups, we hope each group will continue to meet once the official program has concluded. So far, we are one for one!!
As President Harry Truman said, ” Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”
Applications are accepted for each new Leadership Book Club in April. The program begins in September and officially ends in June. More information can be found on our website under the Leadership Network tab.
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